Request for assistance


Due to the recent floods in the north of Thailand, there is an orphanage that is in desperate need of help. There are 60 children between the ages of 8 and 18 and, very simply, have lost everything washed away by the water. We (the PSC) have been asked if we could possibly help by putting together as much of the basic supplies as possible and these will be taken to them by lorry on Sept. 10.

The requirements are: bedding, toiletries, towels in particular – clothing, rice, milk, dry noodles, and school supplies, including pencils, books, crayons, etc.

The Pattaya Sports Club office is located at 3/197 Pattaya 3rd Road (adjacent to the Pattaya Driving Range).The Pattaya Sports Club office is located at 3/197 Pattaya 3rd Road (adjacent to the Pattaya Driving Range).

If you have any of these items that you would like to donate or to provide funds in order that these items could be purchased we will be very pleased to hear from you. Please drop anything you may like to donate – in particular clothing – into the Pattaya Sports Club office at 3/197 Pattaya 3rd Road (adjacent to the Pattaya Driving Range).

This is an unusual request but one of the charities that we know, Hand To Hand, has asked if we could possible help.