Robotic parking garage set to open in Pattaya next month


Thailand’s first automated parking garage is expected to open in November at Bali Hai Pier, offering storage of cars and, eventually, boats.

Using a computerized-elevator system by Simmatec Robotic of South Korea, the 735 million baht garage will offer 407 parking spaces on seven floors. Three hydraulic “Transo Devices” will lift cars into and out of spaces. Each car must be shorter than 5.2 meters long, 1.9 meters tall and weigh no more than 2.3 tons. Vehicles also must measure no more than 13 cm. from ground to engine.

Also in the works is an automated, 360-boat mooring project that similarly would lift watercraft into slots. That project, however, is even more behind schedule than the parking garage.

An example of what the new parking garage will look like once in service.An example of what the new parking garage will look like once in service.

Original plans called for the parking garage to be completed in July. The contractor is now expected to deliver the completed garage this month with opening some time in November.

Construction Department Director Soontorn Sompramai said work on both the vehicle and boat structures began in January. But the boatyard is still being used to offload garbage from Koh Larn and no timetable has been set to move that operation.

If ever finished, the mooring building will take 200 boats no longer than eight meters long, 150 boats no longer than 11 meters and 10 yachts. The boats will sit above the waterline, preventing damage during storms and high waves.