Rotarians receive donated items at Makro Pattaya for urgent distribution to flood victims


Early this month, seeing that tens of thousands of people were suffering the dreadful effects of natural disasters throughout the country, Makro Pattaya Branch in cooperation with Rotary Clubs in District 3340 appealed to the public for donations of cash, personal essentials, dry and imperishable foods and medicines to help the victims of these natural disasters.

Makro set up a special section at the front of the store from November 5-13 to request clients and visitors to ‘Please Help” the flood victims by placing their donated items and cash into the designated area.

On November 14, at Makro Pattaya Branch, Rotarians and store management attended a simple ceremony to hand over public donations for distribution to victims of natural disasters throughout Thailand. On November 14, at Makro Pattaya Branch, Rotarians and store management attended a simple ceremony to hand over public donations for distribution to victims of natural disasters throughout Thailand.

This was not in vain as hundreds of Pattaya residents showed that they cared by donating money and goods towards this humanitarian cause.

On November 14, at Makro Pattaya Branch, Thongchai Lortrakanond, District Governor of Rotary District 3340, accompanied by Past District Governor Premprecha Dibbayawan, Past District Governor Pratheep Malhotra and Past President Maria Suwathana of the Rotary Club of Chonburi attended a simple ceremony to receive the public donations from Sunan Plukrak, the assistant general manager of Makro Pattaya Branch.

DG Thongchai said, “This relief project was initiated by Siam Makro who then asked us to cooperate by helping to deliver the relief items to the suffering people. Everyone knows that Rotarians always work for the good of the community and are always in the forefront of venturing into affected areas and helping the people when the need arises. People trust us and know that the goods will be handed out directly to those in need.”

DG ‘Tony’ Thongchai went on to say that there is yet another worry coming up. “Soon after the floods, the cool season will be upon us and in some parts of the northeast, the temperatures can drop drastically. We must now plan to get more collections of warm clothing and blankets to be distributed to the people as quickly as possible. The donated cash at Makro of 15,928.75 baht will be spent on the purchase of these items.”