Rotary Dolphin Pattaya pledges continued support for HHNFT

HHNFT Director Radchada Chomjinda (left) says thank you with a garland each for Charter President Dr. Otmar Deter and Past President Dr Margret Deter of the Rotary E-club Jomtien Pattaya.
HHNFT Director Radchada Chomjinda (left) says thank you with a garland each for Charter President Dr. Otmar Deter and Past President Dr Margret Deter of the Rotary E-club Dolphin Pattaya International.

Charter President Dr. Otmar Deter and Past President Dr Margret Deter of the Rotary E-club Dolphin Pattaya International paid a visit to the Human Help Network Foundation (Thailand) Jan 25 to observe the progress of the construction of a new building at the ASEAN Education Center. They were also given an update of the operations and future plans.

Radchada Chomjinda, Director of HHNFT said, “We saw the need for the new building because the center is admitting more underprivileged children from the community who’s parents want them to get a basic yet good education.

“With the generous support of Rotarians and members of many organizations in Thailand and overseas, we have been able to improve our operations to care for these underprivileged children’s welfare and education tremendously.”

She said that during the construction period the children are attending classes at temporary premises nearby.

The Human Help Network Foundation Thailand (HHNFT) was established in May 2008 and officially registered on August 25th, 2008. For the past decade, HHN Foundation Thailand has been working to provide help and support to the underprivileged, homeless, abused and children from broken families through scholarship programs, family support programs and protection programs. To assist with the child-care programs, the center employs psychologists, nurses, social workers and teachers.

Having listened to the center’s plans for improvements and upgrades, Dr Deter pledged that together with his wife and members of the Rotary Club will continue to give their support in both cash and kind to the learning center.
