Sattahip clinic raided for illegal drug sales


The Chonburi Public Health Department charged two employees of an underground Sattahip beauty clinic with multiple offenses related to sales of illegal drugs and cosmetics.

Chonburi and Sattahip police arrested Cosmic Care Clinic Manager Namaoy Arunnoy, 41, and staffer Ninlada Thongmanee, 32, during a Feb. 18 raid on the Sukhumvit Road center.

Police seized 48 types of illegal medications for testing, including expired and dangerous drugs.

The pair was charged with running a medical clinic without a license, selling unregistered cosmetics, food without serial numbers, unlabeled cosmetics, drugs without licenses and selling expired medication.

Health department pharmacist Jirasan Meratthanawat said the raid came after public complaints about the clinic. Undercover agents checked out the facility before police were brought in, he said.

Both women denied the charges, saying they weren’t the owners and only were doing what they were told by the boss.

An attorney for owner Bandit Womolwanitch appeared before police to acknowledge the charges.
