Sattahip loan shark claims self-defense; did not kill dog as debtors accuse

Supaporn Intiphan mourns the loss of her beloved pitbull who was killed by a cold-blooded loan shark while her husband digs a grave to bury their 3-year old pet.

An alleged loan shark is claiming innocence and self-defense after a Sattahip family cried to the media they were attacked and their dog killed.

Chaowalit Benjamas, 35, reported himself in to Plutaluang police Friday to refute the allegations of Supaporn Intiphan, 36, Watchara Wongruk, 39, and Nattapon Intiphan, 20, that they were physically assaulted at their Plutaluang house on June 15 over non-payment of an 80,000-baht loan and 40,000 baht in interest.

Admitting to lending the family money at 5% interest a day two months ago, and then repossessing their two motorbikes when payment wasn’t made, Chaowalit said he had only gone to their house to “talk nicely” about the outstanding debt of 80,000-90,000. Instead, one of the family members stabbed him and then lied that he was trying to collect 120,000 baht.

Chaowalit showed police a stab wound on his left side that required 11 stitches as evidence. He also claimed to have video of the house visit, proving no threats were made and that he did not kill the family’s pet pitbull as they claimed.

Watchara and Supaporn gently lower their beloved pitbull into a grave after their 3-yr-old pet was stabbed to death by a cruel loan shark.

In their meeting with local media, Supapon said she borrowed the money two months ago but, due to more financial problems, was unable to pay. Chaowalit then took their motorbikes, leaving the couple unable to go to work. Supaporn said a new loan contract dated June 10 called for daily payments of 300-baht interest and 10,000-baht principal monthly with no seizure of property.

The couple then went to police to complain and seek assistance in getting their motorbikes back.

On Wednesday, Supaporn claimed, Chaowalit and his girlfriend called all three family members outside and attacked them. Neighbors sent them to Queen Sirikit Naval Medical Center.

Supaporn said Watchara had a blood clot in the brain and required surgery, while her 20-year-old son needed eight stiches to the face.

During the melee, the woman claimed Chaowalit stabbed her 3-year-old pitbull Choky in the neck. She later buried him in the Plutaluang foothills. Chaowalit denied killing the dog.