Seaton Foundation, Nong Plalai woman care for abandoned boy


The Seaton Foundation and a Nong Plalai woman are caring for a mixed-nationality toddler abandoned by his parents.

Sukanya Seaton, president of the foundation that operates the Seaton Child Development Center, said 16-month-old Naphat Saengsamphao was dropped off to residents in Moo 3 by an unidentified woman with only his birth certificate. His mother, Naphawan Saengsampao, is in jail on drug charges and his unidentified father is presumed to have returned to Europe.

Cared for in shifts by neighbors, the boy is now under the care of food vendor Noi Kiankaew, 45. She contacted the foundation for aid, worried that she has no legal standing to retain custody over the child.

Food vendor Noi Kiankaew (left) contacted Sukanya Seaton from the Seaton Child Development Center to try and find out what to do with the abandoned child.Food vendor Noi Kiankaew (left) contacted Sukanya Seaton from the Seaton Child Development Center to try and find out what to do with the abandoned child.

Sukanya said the toddler is healthy, although traumatized enough that he must be held almost constantly. The foundation is supplying Noi with food and milk.

The foundation plans to contact the boy’s mother to determine what to do with the boy.