Sex-trafficked Kyrgyzstani woman leaps to death in Pattaya

Anara Seitaleva, 30, reported to police that she was a victim of a Chinese sex-trafficking gang, then decided to end her life by jumping from the seventh floor of a condo a few days later.

A Kyrgyzstan woman forced into prostitution by a Chinese sex-trafficking ring jumped to her death from a condominium in Pattaya.

Anara Seitaleva, 30, died at the scene of her jump from the seventh floor of the condo on Thappraya Road Sept. 16. Around her laid 10,000 baht she threw off the balcony before jumping.

Police said Seitaleva had come to them on Sept. 13 complaining that she was trafficked by a Chinese gang but had managed to escape. Officers sent her to Banglamung Hospital for a checkup where she was prescribed antibiotics, antivirals and nausea medication.

After that, police said, she stayed with a German man at the Thappraya condo. He said Seitaleva was a friend of his Kyrgyzstani girlfriend.

Police denied ignoring Seitaleva’s case, saying they looked for the Chinese traffickers and contacted the Kyrgyzstani embassy to assist her. Seitaleva did not leave a suicide note behind.