Singapore immigration police visit Chonburi counterparts


High-ranking Singapore immigration police made a study visit to the Chonburi Immigration Office to observe their work and see a demonstration of their computer system.

Thailand Immigration Bureau Commissioner Pol. Lt. Gen. Sakda Chueunpakdee, and the heads of the Immigration Division 3 and Jomtien Beach office, greeted Clarence Yeo, Lee Chian Tak, and Chang She Zor from the Singapore immigration police office.

Immigration officials from Singapore pose for a commemorative photo with Chonburi Immigration officials.Immigration officials from Singapore pose for a commemorative photo with Chonburi Immigration officials.

They discussed ways to provide services for tourists, prevent and suppress crimes, and to track foreigners committing crime in their home country and escaping to Thailand.

The visitors saw a presentation on Thailand immigration’s database of foreigners living in the Pattaya area, their movements in and out of the kingdom, and expat notifications of residence.

Singapore immigration police are given a tour of the Chonburi immigration offices in Jomtien.Singapore immigration police are given a tour of the Chonburi immigration offices in Jomtien.

Yeo, leader of the group, complimented the Chonburi Immigration Office’s ability to control and provide safety for foreigners living in Thailand. Additionally, he praised the database and its abilities to track foreigners and help apprehend fugitives.