Smooth sailing on Pattaya-Mabprachan bike path again

Pong Deputy Mayor Nithi Inthim shows work crews where to put the sand to temporarily repair the Mabprachan Lake bicycle track.

A quick patch job and the Mabprachan Lake bicycle track is open for smooth rides again.
Pong Deputy Mayor Nithi Inthim watched Jan. 23 as engineers filled potholes and raised subsided track. The fixes are not permanent solutions, however, so signs were placed offering cyclists a warning about possible shifting sand.

Only two years old, the 20-kilometer path already had become pocked with holes with other areas subsided. Lights installed to allow nighttime cycling are burned out.

Nithi assigned the subdistrict’s Engineering Department to design and erect a strong concrete wall to prevent another landslide from washing out the path.
Funding the project, however, has not yet been approved.

The fix is temporary, but plans are afoot to design and erect a strong concrete wall to prevent another landslide. However, funding for the project has not yet been approved.