Snatcher grabs Korean’s 140K-baht gold chain


A Korean tourist wearing a 140,000-baht gold necklace had it stolen on his first day in Pattaya.

Police arrived at the Ban Kaew Resort on Naklua Soi 13 on Jan. 13 to find a distressed South Korean banker, identified only as Kim, with friends who all planned to see Pattaya’s nightlife.

Kim shows off the bruise left after his expensive gold chain was snatched from his neck.
Kim shows off the bruise left after his expensive gold chain was snatched from his neck.

He told police the group had hired a baht bus to take them out, but they were surreptitiously followed by the thief on a motorbike. When the truck pulled into its destination, the gold snatcher rode by and grabbed the 7-baht-weight necklace.

Kim insisted he had been careful wearing jewelry, worth more than many Thais make in a year. He said the necklace was completely tucked under his shirt so it could not be seen.