Soi Arunothai residents’ complaints over illegal dumping fall on deaf city hall ears


Residents living on Soi Arunothai are complaining Pattaya City Hall is doing nothing to stop a steady steam of commercial trucks using their backyards as a garbage dump.

Cement, wood, construction materials, rotting fruit and other garbage now run about 10 meters long in a vacant lot about a half kilometer from the LK Legend condominiums. The stench fills the air, seeping into expensive condos and residential townhouses. Rats scurry through the brush and garbage pickers mingle in the area, collecting anything they can find to sell.

Apparently Pattaya’s Sanitation Office sanitation office knows about this illegal dumping, but is doing nothing about it. Apparently Pattaya’s Sanitation Office sanitation office knows about this illegal dumping, but is doing nothing about it.

Nearby residents says the garbage has been delivered nightly by six-wheeled commercial trucks for nearly a year but, other than posting “no dumping” signs, the city has done nothing to stop it.

Pattaya Sanitation Office staffer Sunya Thupthimsri said the city is aware of the problem and has heard many complaints for residents but refused to offer any assistance. The city has posted signs, threatening law breakers with 2,000 baht fines, but he wouldn’t commit to actually doing anything to enforce them.