South Pattaya pumps helping to protect beachfront from destructive floods

Pattana Boonsawad and city engineers checked the operational status of the pumps at Pump Station 7.

As rainy season gains force, Pattaya’s deputy mayor checked the storm-runoff pumps that protect the southern end of the city’s main beach.

Pattana Boonsawad and city engineers checked the operational status of the pumps at Pump Station 7, finding they were all working properly. He then inspected the beach, finding erosion from recent storms was less than in previous years, indicating the pumps are working.

Recent heavy rains flooded Pattaya Beach Road and caused traffic havoc, but drained away in a hurry.

Pattaya has spent 98 million baht to lay new, larger drainage pipes under Beach Road and Walking Street to prevent the kind of devastating runoff that has gouged huge troughs in the city’s rebuilt beachfront.

The project is not complete yet, but, combined with pumps, should do a lot to protect the beach in the future, he said.

Pattaya has spent 98 million baht to lay new, larger drainage pipes under Beach Road and Walking Street.
Erosion from recent storms has been less than in previous years, indicating the pumps are working.