South Pattaya storm drainage pipe redirected

Pattaya will drain floodwaters in the southern end of the city into the South Pattaya canal after underground cables blocked the laying of a new pipeline.

Pattaya will drain floodwaters in the southern end of the city into a canal after underground cables blocked the laying of a new pipeline.

The city had planned to lay a pipeline under South Road from Third Road to the Walking Street pump station but found that a dense network of underground power and communications lines made that impossible.

So engineers have decided to go south, routing the pipeline instead to the South Pattaya drainage canal. The water still will end up in the ocean, but not require as much disruptive road construction.

Deputy City Manager said the pipeline project dovetails with ongoing work to widen the canal by six meters, work that required the city to demolish illegal structures encroaching on public land.

That work is now 80 percent complete, as most property owners have complied with demolition orders without having to go to court.

Pattaya City Deputy Manager Kiattisak Sriwongchai said the city had planned to lay a pipeline under South Road from Third Road to the Walking Street pump station but found that a dense network of underground power and communications lines made that impossible.

Work on expanding the South Pattaya canal is 80 percent complete, as most property owners have complied with demolition orders without having to go to court.

When finished, the canal would be widened by six meters.