Spooked driver slams into light pole


A driver spooked by a shadow smashed his truck into a Bang Saray lamp post, but lived to tell about his close encounter.

Navy Sgt. Maj. Wicheer Wimansacharoern, 25, suffered only a split lip in the April 3 accident at near Songmettawanaram Temple on Sukhumvit Road even though he flipped and demolished his Isuzu D-Max pickup.

Navy Sgt. Maj. Wicheer Wimansacharoern looks forlornly at his demolished Isuzu D-Max pickup.
Navy Sgt. Maj. Wicheer Wimansacharoern looks forlornly at his demolished Isuzu D-Max pickup.

Wicheer told police he was driving back from Pattaya to the Sattahip Naval Base around 4 a.m. when he saw a dark shadow dart across the road. Unsure if it was a dog, person or ghost, he swerved and slammed into the light pole.

This stretch of Sukhumvit has a long history of accidents and people bring offerings to their lost loved ones so often it has been dubbed “the road of death”.