Sukhumvit roadwork in Pattaya to last through October

Digging and resurfacing of Sukhumvit Road has been tied to an increase in accidents on the busy highway.
Digging and resurfacing of Sukhumvit Road has been tied to an increase in accidents on the busy highway.

Digging and resurfacing of Sukhumvit Road has been tied to an increase in accidents on the busy highway.

Nearby residents and businesses complained that the roadwork at the far southern end of Sukhumvit in Pattaya was begun without notice, lacks adequate lighting to illuminate work areas after dark and has caused accidents.

The 90-million-baht project begun in January will run through October and eventually result in the resurfacing of all of Sukhumvit from Pattaya’s southern to northern border.

During the operation, one lane of traffic is closed, meaning increased congestion will last for several months.