Support continues for Pattaya centenarian

Grandma Yasothin Rodhom is thrilled to ride in her brand-new electric wheelchair.
Grandma Sopin Rodhom is thrilled to ride in her brand-new electric wheelchair.

The outpouring of support for a 100-year-old Nong Plalai woman continued Thursday with the donation of a motorized wheelchair.

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The Thailand Fighting Fighting Team presented the electric wheelchair to Sopin Rodhom at her wood-and-tin shack July 23. The club of Hong Kongers represented by Tai Pang, Kaman and Margiela also brought her a fan, cooking pot, rice and dried foods.

Grandma Yasothin never seemed so happy as when the team from Thailand Fighting Fighting Team came by to visit her.
Grandma Sopin never seemed so happy as when the team from Thailand Fighting Fighting Team came by to visit her.

The centenarian made national news last weekend for watching a century of unimaginable change from the confines of a shack outside Pattaya. She said her wish was to have a motorized wheelchair so she could again go to the temple, where she hasn’t visited for 20 years.

Kantapon Sukumalin, an aide to Thailand’s deputy health minister, and Nong Plailai government officials brought her a lightweight manual wheelchair on July 22, along with household supplies and cash, plus promises of free medical care and construction of a new house adjacent to her adopted son’s family home.

Nongprue officials adjust Grandma Yasothin’s new electric wheelchair.
Nongprue officials adjust Grandma Sopin’s new electric wheelchair.


Grandma Yasothin can’t wait to get her hands on the controls of her electric wheelchair.
Grandma Sopin can’t wait to get her hands on the controls of her electric wheelchair.

Grandma Yasothin expresses her gratitude and love for the benevolent Nongprue officials.
Grandma Sopin expresses her gratitude and love for the benevolent Nongprue officials.