TCEB rolls out MICE Connect website in Pattaya

Deputy Mayor Ronakit Ekasingh poses with TCEB regional director Salanroj Sutaschuto and the city’s tourism and business leaders at the Thai Mice Connect rollout Sept. 8.

The Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau launched a pilot online platform to connect corporate travel buyers and operators of meeting, convention and exhibition venues.

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Deputy Mayor Ronakit Ekasingh opened the Thai Mice Connect rollout Sept. 8 at the Amari Pattaya Hotel with TCEB regional director Salanroj Sutaschuto and city tourism and business leaders.

TCEB regional director Salanroj Sutaschuto chats with Deputy Mayor Ronakit Ekasingh and the city’s tourism and business leaders.

The website, which currently includes data from only three regions and 48 provinces, aims to connect buyers and sellers to make bookings of meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions easier.

Pattaya, one of the TCEB’s five “MICE Cities,” is participating in the trial.

One major idea is that buyers would be able to connect with a MICE specialist with “just one click.”

The system also allows the TCEB to collect data on companies looking to host MICE events.

Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau director Salanroj Sutaschuto launches a pilot online platform to connect corporate travel buyers and operators of meeting, convention and exhibition venues.