Thieving husband returns home after promising to repay wife

Tieree Patt has dropped theft charges against her estranged husband Boonsong Sontalay after he apologized for taking all her gold and dumping her.

A Sattahip wife has dropped theft charges against her estranged husband after he apologized for taking all her gold and dumping her.

Cambodia native Tieree Patt, 38, met with Boonsong Sontalay, 55, for an hour March 30 at Najomtien Police Station before agreeing to take him back, on the condition he’d repay her.

Tieree and Boonsong have been married for five years. She worked as a vegetable seller and he furniture maker. But he drinks too much, she told police, and after a recent fight he left her, taking her three gold necklaces, a gold ring, a pair of 3-baht-weight gold earrings, 10,000 baht cash and her mobile phone.

She said she called her spouse, asking him to return her savings, but he refused. So she went to police to file a theft report.

Accompanied by Najomtien Moo 1 village chiefs, Boonsong apologized and said he wanted to come home, but negotiations broken down when he admitted he’d spent all the gold and cash on a motorbike and support for his family in Korat.

More talking led to a pledge by Boonsong to pay her back 10,000 baht a month. She agreed to take him back, but got assurances from police that if he reneges on his deal, the theft charge will be reinstated and prosecuted.