Toddler rescued after being twice abandoned by mother


Social workers rescued a 1-year-old boy left unattended for days at a Naklua construction camp.

Watcharapol Yongket was transferred to the Chonburi Home for Children and Family Oct. 19 while authorities look for mother Bangorn Yongket, 25.

Kaethong Saengklai, a security guard at the Lobbuilt Co. camp on Naklua Soi 12, said Watcharapol was found hungry and crying several days earlier in his mother’s dormitory room. She left the boy behind while running off with a male friend for three days and two nights.

Rescue workers bring the child to safety.Rescue workers bring the child to safety.

Others at the camp scolded the negligent mother upon her return, warning her never to leave her toddler unattended again. A day later, she was seen jumping on her lover’s motorbike and did not return. Several hours later, neighbors called police.

Once located, Bangorn will be evaluated to determine if she was fit to be a mother. If found to be unfit, the child will become a ward of the state and placed in a Social Development Ministry orphanage.