Traffic police arrest 5 in crackdown on wrong-way drivers


Pattaya traffic police have launched a crackdown on wrong-way drivers, promising to arrest and detain dangerous motorists rather than simply fine them.

From north to south along Sukhumvit Road, police April 25 arrested four Thais and an Iraqi all for driving their motorbikes against traffic. Taken into custody were Talek Ajnan Soleh, 49; Chuengchai Phetla-oo, 30; Somjit Intha, 30; Jirapon Onnsorn, 25; and Vichai Thachalee, 27.

All were charged with reckless driving and various traffic offenses and jailed to face charges later before a judge. All their motorbikes were also impounded.

It’s unknown whether this was just a one-day sweep or the start of a serious effort to confront traffic scofflaws, but traffic inspector Lt. Col. Sanchai Thinwongdaeng admitted that the usual practice of officers merely ticketing drivers and releasing them was not proving to be much of a deterrent.