The Meteorological Department has issued warnings for Thailand, indicating continued hot weather, thunderstorms, strong winds, and heavy rainfall in some areas, which could lead to sudden flooding.
The Meteorological Department of Thailand has revealed that the northeast monsoon and the southern winds are covering the upper part of Thailand, while the upper part of the country still experiences hot weather. This condition results in thunderstorms, strong winds, and heavy rainfall in certain areas. Citizens in the upper part of Thailand are advised to beware of the dangers of thunderstorms and strong winds, avoiding open spaces, large trees, fragile structures, and weak advertising signs.
Farmers should prepare and take precautions to protect agricultural crops and livestock, as well as be cautious of the risks associated with heavy rainfall and accumulated rain, which could cause sudden flooding. Increased caution is also advised for travel through areas experiencing thunderstorms.
Regarding the southeast monsoon covering the Gulf of Thailand, the southern region, and the Andaman Sea, it is gaining strength, leading to increased rainfall and heavy rainfall in some areas of the south. Boat operators should avoid sailing in areas affected by thunderstorms.
As for the current particulate matter levels, the northern region has moderate to high levels of accumulated dust/smog due to weak winds and poor air circulation. The northeastern and central regions, including Bangkok and its vicinity, have reduced levels of accumulated dust/smog due to increased rainfall.