Warning to European tourists crossing roads in Pattaya – They don’t stop for you like back home

Motorbikes on Sidewalks – A Daily Occurrence in Pattaya! Thai road safety standards may be very different from what you’re used to. Stay vigilant!

PATTAYA, Thailand – European tourists visiting Pattaya should be extra cautious when crossing roads in the city, as local driving behaviors and road safety standards may differ greatly from what they’re used to. Thai driving skills and courtesy to pedestrians are questionable at best, with traffic often chaotic and disorganized.

Motorcycle riders frequently ignore traffic laws, driving at high speeds and frequently using pedestrian sidewalks to navigate through the traffic. The situation can be especially dangerous for those unfamiliar with local driving customs. As one expat put it, “Being on a motorbike is the only time Thais are free from any social pressure. They do whatever they like, whenever they like — and who’s to stop them? The police rarely intervene unless a foreigner isn’t wearing a helmet.”

It’s common for pedestrians to find themselves nearly hit by motorcycles while using crosswalks. Just last week, one tourist made it across a busy crossing in Bangkok, only to be nearly struck by a motorcycle riding on the footpath, looked back to watch the idiot who blasted his horn at him. Even though a policeman was standing just meters away, he did nothing to intervene. It’s clear that traffic rules, like one-way signs and road safety regulations, are often ignored, and pavements are sometimes used as motorcycle lanes.

“Thais will never get it,” says another local. “Attitude and culture don’t help.” The reality is that road sense is lacking, and safety often takes a backseat to convenience.

Tourists should exercise extreme caution and always remain vigilant when crossing streets in Pattaya. If you’re unfamiliar with the local customs, it’s a good idea to wait for traffic to clear or look for alternative crossings. Safety first—especially when in unfamiliar territory.