Waterspout spotted off Jomtien Beach


Rainy season literally spun out of control Oct. 5 when a waterspout appeared off of Jomtien Beach.

The tornado, which never reached land, measured about a kilometer tall and 30 meters wide and hung around long enough for beachgoers to capture pictures of it.

Rattichai Ritthirong, 26, one of the spectators, said he was strolling along taking photos of Jomtien Beach when people suddenly pointed offshore.

A spectacular waterspout was caught on film off Jomtien Beach Oct. 5.A spectacular waterspout was caught on film off Jomtien Beach Oct. 5.

Speedboat driver Tara Yoosathan, 33, said he was on his way to Koh Larn to pick up tourists when he spotted the spout. He stopped momentarily to take a picture, then sped off in the opposite direction.

The phenomenon, caused by whipping winds, usually during heavy rain, lasted about 15 minutes.