Thailand Weather Forecast

The heat low covers upper Thailand with hot during the day while the westerly trough covers the upper Northeast and the southerly and the southeasterly winds blows with the humidity from the South China Sea into the Northeast, the East, the Central and the lower North regions. Outbreaks of thundershowers will be forecast with gusty winds in some areas of the upper country. People should beware of severe weather by keeping off unsecured buildings and outdoor places. Farmers should prevent for crop damage. Dust situation: The strong southerly and southwesterly winds across Bangkok and its vicinity bring about less accumulation of dust/smog. In the upper North, more accumulation is forecast in the morning due to bad ascending of air-parcel.

7 days Weather Forecast – March 23, 2020 – March 29, 2020
During 23 – 26 Mar, the heat low pressure cell covers upper Thailand cause hot to very hot in the upper country. The westerly trough will move pass the North and the upper Northeast while the southerly and Southeasterly winds bring the humidity into the Northeast the Central and the East. Isoated thundershower will be likely in the upper country. During 27 – 29 Mar, the heat low cell covers upper Thailand with hot to very hot weather in the areas. The weak easterly wind prevails across the South and the Gulf with isolated rain over the South throughout the period.

People in the upper Thailand should take care of the health due to the hot weather.
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