With no tourists visiting, Pattaya’s Lighthouse Park left to rot

The lighthouse park was once the place to take scenic snapshots and it was a favorite for pre-wedding shots.

With no tourists visiting the Pattaya lighthouse for the past 16 months, city hall has given up maintaining the area.

Before the coronavirus pandemic, Pattaya had hired a private contractor to develop the landscaping around the landmark lighthouse. But the wide footpaths, new trees, access to the beach and a lush backdrop of Pratamnak Hill have gone to seed.

The once scenic park sidewalks are now broken and potholed. The trees are shriveled and dry, with broken limbs scattered along the footpaths. Mud has slid from the hillsides across the concrete onto the beach. Plastic bags and other garbage litter the sand.

The lighthouse park was once the place to take scenic snapshots and it was a favorite for pre-wedding shoots. Now people only want to photograph the decay.

Those who visit the area wonder why city hall abandoned the site and want it cleaned up, and fast.

Now people only want to photograph the decay.

The once scenic park sidewalks are now broken and potholed.

Mud has slid from the hillsides across the concrete onto the beach. Plastic bags and other garbage litter the sand.