Without evidence, Pattaya Thais blaming homeless for Covid-19 spread

The recent death of a homeless man (not shown) who was severely ill from an unknown illness has stoked fears that a growing homeless population may become a breeding ground for Covid-19.

Pattaya residents fear that a growing homeless population may become a breeding ground for Covid-19.

Fears were stoked by the recent death of a homeless man who was severely ill from an unknown illness. He was found in front of a vacant shophouse in Pattaya and died in a local hospital. A coronavirus test is pending.

Panicked Thais assumed the man died of Covid-19, despite no evidence to support the theory, and claimed that unmasked, homeless living in doorways and on the beach are spreading the disease.

Meanwhile, Thais visiting shopping malls and fresh markets continue to spread the disease.
Officials are being urged to do more to control the homeless population.

Officials are being urged to do more to control the homeless population.

Some homeless people around Pattaya sleep underneath the Bali Hai Bridge in unhygienic conditions.
Others camp out in front of 7-11 convenience stores.

Homeless people need our help. They are homeless for a reason, and government officials are turning a blind eye rather than helping these less fortunate humans.

Modern societies are often judged by how they treat their underprivileged members.