Woman fends off attempted rape in South Pattaya


A Roi-et woman turned a desperate “wai” into a fist to fend off a rapist in her South Pattaya apartment.

Phusadee Suthikorn, 31, called police Dec. 25 to report the afternoon attack at the Sukasem Apartments on Soi Set-ti. She suffered cuts to the hands and ear, but was otherwise unharmed.

The victim told police she was sleeping around 3:30 p.m., but had left the door unlocked. She awoke to find a shirtless man in his mid-20s on her bed, pointing a knife at her.

Phusadee said she put her palms together to beg for the rapist to leave, then used the Thai “wai” to knock away the blade. She then kicked him off the bed and the attacker fled out the window.

Police said the suspect left behind his shoes and his shirt, however. The floral-print clothing, they believe, is a uniform from a local hotel and police are checking to see if they can find a match.