Woman killed after Bolt driver cuts off pickup in Pattaya

A 23-year-old woman died after a Chevrolet pickup crashed into the side of the Bolt car she hired to drive her home.

A Pattaya woman died when a car she hired through a phone app cut off a pickup truck.

Passenger Lalita Sangsawang, 23, was thrown from the Mazda hired through the Bolt ride-hailing app around 4 a.m. April 19 on the railway-parallel road. Her body was taken to Banglamung Hospital.

Driver Maruwan Taelor suffered only minor injuries in the crash.

Thongkum Kiattisak, the 33-year-old of a Rayong-registered Chevrolet pickup, told police he was driving along the railway road when Maruwan cut him off, causing him to crash into the left side of the Mazda.

The impact threw the young woman coming home from a night of partying from the vehicle.

Police are investigating the ride-hailing app driver for reckless driving and working as a taxi driver without a license.