Wrong-way 15-year-old driver killed by oncoming truck

Jirapat Phumisak died instantly when he crashed head-on into a 10-wheeled truck.
Jirapat Phumisak died instantly when he crashed head-on into a 10-wheeled truck.

A junior-high student driving the wrong way on Sukhumvit Road died when he crashed head-on into a 10-wheeled truck.

Jirapat Phumisak, 15, died instantly when the Wuthipanya Rattanakul Co. Isuzu freight truck ran over his head after the ninth-grader’s Honda grazed the oncoming truck and crashed at the U-Turn in front of 700-rai Market Jan. 23.

Driver Somnuk Sommanat, 48, said he was bringing dirt to the 700-Rai Market. He said the boy was driving against traffic and lost control of the bike when he tried to avoid truck.
