Lawrie McLoughlin


Lawrie McLoughlin, a longtime member of the Pattaya City Expats Club passed away on Sunday, April 23, 2017. Funeral arrangements are pending.

Lawrie was one of the pillars that held up the Pattaya City Expats Club with his untiring hard work to make sure the Club was continuing to carry out its motto of Expats Helping Expats. Lawrie served on the Governing Board continuously since July 2005 and had the unenviable task of arranging for the Club’s weekly Speaker. But, more than that he was also a true friend to many of us.

Lawrie McLoughlin April 23, 2017
Lawrie McLoughlin April 23, 2017

He was from Australia, where he still has children, and retired to Thailand several years ago. Lawrie may have been short in stature, but he was big in heart.

The following, written by Bob LeToile to be read out at the next Club meeting sums up Lawrie’s nature and contribution to others: “Lawrie was very special to me. He was the most caring person I’ve ever met. I can’t count the number of people he has assisted in countless ways. He was always taking care of people with medical problems with rides, advice, and visits. He would drop any plans to help someone out. During my chemo and cancer operations in California, he would call at least every other day to check on me and always lifted my spirits during those tough months. When Sig’s mind was going, he took care of him and took the arduous trip back to the U.S. to be with him at the end. You probably knew him as the little Aussie Devil, but in reality, he was an Angel. I will miss him deeply, RIP Lawrie.”

Another member wrote, “It’s hard to understand why the good get taken early, and Lawrie’s passing was one of those times.”

Yes, Lawrie, you will be missed.