4 charity groups fund new Huay Yai preschool building


The YWCA Bangkok-Pattaya Center, Jesters Care For Kids, P&G Foundation and Metasiri Construction came together to raise 800,000 baht for a new preschool building at Huay Yai School.

About 30 people from the school, four charity foundations and volunteers from Chiang Mai University broke ground on the project on Dec. 24. Construction is scheduled for completion by the end of February.

Praichit Jetpai (left), president of the YWCA Bangkok-Pattaya, and volunteers take part in mixing the concrete for the building.Praichit Jetpai (left), president of the YWCA Bangkok-Pattaya, and volunteers take part in mixing the concrete for the building.

11 teachers at Huay Yai School teach 264 children, ages preschool to sixth grade, in eight classrooms. A growing student population means there’s no longer enough space for all the children.

The new facility will cover more than 300 sq. meters and have classrooms, a library and nurse’s office.

Planners said the new facility will be an education center where students can study more conveniently, read at a proper library and where teachers can hold meetings.

On the same occasion, the YWCA also provided lunch and icy sweets to the people who attended.

Benevolent souls from 4 charity organizations help with the construction.

Many more volunteers lend a hand to mix concrete for the new preschool building.Many more volunteers lend a hand to mix concrete for the new preschool building.