A stylish graduation for Regent’s sixty IB Students


Year 13 students at The Regent’s School Pattaya celebrated their graduation with flair on Thursday, May 23. The sixty Year 13 leavers, who have just completed their rigorous two-year International Baccalaureate course, enjoyed a graduation ceremony in the school’s Globe Theatre, watched by over 250 family members, friends and teachers. No graduation would be complete without the traditional hat-throwing and garden party at the end of the ceremony, and the day finished in some style with a formal Graduation Ball that evening at the Hilton.

Some of the students have been on roll for just two years, having transferred over from other schools to join the IB course, but amongst the graduates was 18-year-old Head Girl Eye, for whom Graduation Day was the culmination of 15 years at The Regent’s School. The students now move on to the next stage in their education, taking up places at universities across Europe, North America and Asia including the universities of Cambridge, Edinburgh and British Columbia.

All sixty graduates with the school principal, Mike Walton.All sixty graduates with the school principal, Mike Walton.

Principal Mike Walton commented, “Graduation Day this year reminded me yet again why we are so fortunate to have a large and vibrant Sixth Form at The Regent’s School. These students have benefitted academically from being part of a large year group, because we have been able to timetable a wide range of subjects for them to study.

Graduation left students with a sense of pride.Graduation left students with a sense of pride.

“The high numbers of students taking the IB also lends itself well to discussion and debate – each student has been able to engage with their peers over the last two years, which has really helped them to get to know their subjects well. They’ve also benefitted socially. As I saw them dining and dancing at the Hilton for their Graduation Ball, I realized that each of them would move on from The Regent’s School enriched and empowered in a way that gives them far greater humanity and potential than I had at their age.”

The hat throw traditionally completes the graduation ceremonies.The hat throw traditionally completes the graduation ceremonies.