An exciting journey studying ‘The Arts’ at St Andrews School


The Year 6 children of St. Andrews International School, Green Valley, have recently been studying their unit ‘The Arts’. It has been an exciting journey studying various numbers of famous artists and different genres of art. To help the students in their studies the Year 6 class teachers organised a trip to a small art gallery, full to the brim with magnificent art, drawn or sculpted by modern artists in the province, called Liam’s Art Gallery.

While there the students witnessed different genres of art, all in different styles, sizes and colours. The children learned a lot of things about art with loads of friendly explanations from the gallery manager and founder, Liam, and an artist. In the gallery the children had to find two pictures that they most fancied and had to draw a rough copy of it in their sketch books.

Getting up close.Getting up close.

After a few hours of exploring and drawing everyone settled down for lunch. On the bottom most floor you could hear the children’s excited chatter over the artworks that they had just seen. These children really knew a lot about art now!

When everyone had their fill of lunch the classes started presenting and discussing the artworks that had caught their attention. The Year 6 classes had certainly learned a lot. When it was time to go the children gratefully thanked the staff and Liam for the tour and returned to school.

Liam’s Art Gallery was such an influence on the children that the teachers decided to allow the children to make their very own gallery, presenting all the work that they had done using famous masterpieces as models.

The children of Year 6 slowly and surely prepared for the presentation of their very own art gallery, understanding all the important concepts of a worthy tour guide. Letters were given out to the children’s parents with invitations to the art gallery. The classes of Year 8, Year 5, Year 3, Year 2 and Year 1 were also welcomed to participate.

On the assigned date Year 6 was prepared. They greeted the other classes with warm smiles and confident minds. Each Year 6 student was sure of what to say and what to do. First off, the other classes arrived, willingly taking time off their busy schedule to listen to what information the Year 6 class had gathered. Then later at 1:30 came the parents, eager to listen to the children, discovering things that they themselves did not know. At the very end of the day, the exhausted Year 6 children still had enough strength to perform a comedy sketch that they had, on their own, written and produced, to the parents. The parents went away smiling and proud of their children. The Year 6 children had accomplished their mission; they could all go home and relax.

Researching different art techniques at Liam’s Art Gallery.Researching different art techniques at Liam’s Art Gallery.

Year 6 getting their art gallery ready.Year 6 getting their art gallery ready.

Showing off the art work to parents.Showing off the art work to parents.