Assumption College Teachers learn at Asian U


Back to school was the motto for 21 English Programme teachers from Assumption College Bangrak to upgrade their own English skills. Teaching sciences, applied physics, math in physics and the language of symbols in English needs special skills that were in the focus of the 10-day seminar at Asian University.

Science teachers made one group, mathematics teachers the other one, both getting in-depth training in their particular fields. Together, both groups discussed and evaluated teaching practices and classroom management in an English-speaking environment.

Dr. Viphandh Roengpithya, president of Asian University, introduces the Assumption Colleges teacher to the old Indian art of Vedic Math. Dr. Viphandh Roengpithya, president of Asian University, introduces the Assumption Colleges teacher to the old Indian art of Vedic Math.

Besides individual teaching and language reviews, the seminar participants joined special guest lectures and an introduction to Vedic Math by the president of Asian U, Dr. Viphandh Roengpithya, and enjoyed some relaxation classes, such as yoga and meditation, fun with English, or line dancing.

The seminar was originally scheduled for 13 days. Unfortunately, the participants could not enjoy the planned excursion nor the demonstration classes at The College@AsianU against the end of the seminar since the suddenly rising waters in Bangkok forced them to return home.