Christmas Spirit at GIS

IB students sold ice-cream and popcorn at the fair.
IB students sold ice-cream and popcorn at the fair.

Hundreds of parents and students visited Garden International School (GIS) for a spectacular Christmas Fair.

The school was packed on December 2 as everyone started to get into the festive mood. The day started with a Christmas concert featuring students of all ages singing Paul McCartney’s ‘Wonderful Christmastime’, ‘Jingle Bells’, ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas’ and other seasonal songs. At the end of the concert there was a special guest appearance by Father Christmas. He presented gift boxes – which students had filled with presents – to children from two of the school’s chosen charities: Bethlehem House and Hand to Hand Foundation in Pattaya.

After the concert, everyone visited various stalls where they could test their skills knocking down cans, soaking teachers with wet sponges or throwing frisbees through holes to win prizes. Stalls also sold Christmas cards and gifts, while there was a barbecue, Mexican food and Thai snacks on offer. Younger visitors could also visit Father Christmas in his own grotto and tell him about their Christmas wish-list. GIS is based in Ban Chang, near Pattaya.

Happy Christmas Santa!
Happy Christmas Santa!
Two young GIS students got dressed up for the Christmas Fair.
Two young GIS students got dressed up for the Christmas Fair.
Father Christmas made a special appearance at the GIS fair.
Father Christmas made a special appearance at the GIS fair.
Primary students were among the performers in a Christmas-themed show.
Primary students were among the performers in a Christmas-themed show.