Diwali Delights at GIS


Garden International School (GIS) celebrated Diwali in spectacular fashion with dances, songs and traditional Indian snacks.

The main hall was packed on November 5 to mark Diwali, the festival of light. Beforehand, parents had prepared tasty snacks to try and scented candles lit the way into the hall.

Primary and Secondary students took part in several performances, which told the story of Diwali and featured traditional and modern Indian music and dance.

GIS is based in Ban Chang, near Pattaya.

Secondary boys put on an energetic dance routine.

Some graceful moves from a GIS student.

All ages took part in the Diwali celebrations at GIS.

Colourful dances were a large part of the festivities.

IB students from GIS joined in the fun with some contemporary dance.

Showing its international side, Filipino and Swiss students helped sing traditional Indian songs at Diwali.