Equine Assisted Therapy looking for volunteers

Able the Disabled Foundation at Horseshoe Point Pattaya, which offers a programme to parents with special needs children, both severe or very mild, is looking for volunteers.
Able the Disabled Foundation at Horseshoe Point Pattaya, which offers a programme to parents with special needs children, both severe or very mild, is looking for volunteers.

Able the Disabled Foundation at Horseshoe Point Pattaya, which offers a programme to parents with special needs children, both severe or very mild, is looking for volunteers.

If your child is struggling at school with learning, or lacks confidence, riding therapy can help to improve many aspects of hidden problems. Many children’s problems are overlooked but a riding therapist will pick up on the smallest of issues and use a horse to assist. We offer school s to come in groups or individually and at low cost. Trained ponies are used with grooms who lead. The therapist will design a programme to suit the individual’s needs.

Education through Horses

In Equine Assisted Therapy learning to ride is only one of the aims. All activities with, or on a horse, are of benefit to the individual. The horse moving naturally in walk simulates a movement as close to the human walk as is possible. This movement is used as a treatment base.

Each rider is taught on the basis of their own individual needs and goals within a group lesson aided by volunteers. The movement and the warmth of the horse encourages relaxation, stimulates the function of the internal organs and helps with the circulatory and digestive tracts. The rider develops balance and learns to position themselves to accommodate the pony’s movements.

In time coordination and communication maybe developed and improved. It can offer the opportunity for a physically challenged person to experience mobility on an equal level to their able bodied peers. The riders may benefit from the necessary discipline, learn trust and interact socially with their helpers and their peers thus developing an increase in confidence and self-esteem.

For more information email [email protected] for tel 0868483684.