Hand to Hand taking care of children of working mothers


Hand to Hand works in many different areas of ministry such as prisons, Pattaya slums, and pre-school centers. Recently, the foundation has begun embracing the youngest group of people they have ever reached a hand to. Hand to Hand has started up a nursery school to take of care of babies, while their mothers work during the day. At the moment, there are four babies at the nursery who belong to very young mothers that do not have access to help from their extended families.

One mother is currently attending university and has no assistance to look after her child. In order to prevent her from having to stop receiving education and dropping out of college, Hand to Hand has offered to take in her baby as a means to both help the mother and her infant. Another has successfully found a job at Big C but could not start work until recently because there was no one to care for her 3 month old baby. If it weren’t for Hand to Hand, she would have had to give up her child to be cared for in a children’s home or orphanage. As she loves her son very much, this was a distress for the members of the Hand to Hand to hear, so they decided to care for the baby while the mother works.

Exterior view of the nursery.Exterior view of the nursery.

There are countless numbers of children in orphanages all around the world who do have a living mother or father. Their parents give their children away solely because they cannot adequately care for them. The goal of Hand to Hand is to provide these families with the necessary support so that their children can not, and will not be abandoned in these orphanages or homes. Hand to Hand provides support through free pre-schooling, food for families and slum communities, hospital care, a scholarship, and now, a nursery.

These are two of the babies napping in one of the rooms at the nursery. The nets keep the flies away, and the fan keeps them comfortably cool.These are two of the babies napping in one of the rooms at the nursery. The nets keep the flies away, and the fan keeps them comfortably cool.

The nursery opened on the 8th of June 2014 with very limited resources. If you have any unused baby items including clothes, strollers, cribs, bottles, or even pampers, please contact the Hand to Hand foundation at [email protected].

These are the four babies that are currently at the nursery. There are more to come, so any and all donations are fully appreciated!These are the four babies that are currently at the nursery. There are more to come, so any and all donations are fully appreciated!