Heads for a Day


A Primary and Secondary student from Garden International School (GIS) became bosses for a day after winning the prize in the school’s Christmas Fun Day raffle.

Ms Amritha, a Year 5 student, became Head of Primary. She sat in on some meetings, solved a few problems and generally ran Primary brilliantly for the day.

The new Head of Primary takes charge.The new Head of Primary takes charge.

In Secondary, Ms Shaniya, from Year 9, replaced Mr Ball as Head of Secondary. She led the morning briefing to teachers on Monday, then set about taking on other challenges, such as helping decide how to give the Prefects a bigger profile in school and what music should be played at the IB Graduation Evening.

Both students did their jobs excellently and learned some valuable leadership skills as a result. GIS is based in Ban Chang, near Pattaya.

Shaniya gives Mr Ken some advice.Shaniya gives Mr Ken some advice.

‘Why don’t we do it like this?’ Shaniya discuss an issue with Mr Ball.‘Why don’t we do it like this?’ Shaniya discuss an issue with Mr Ball.

Amritha leads a meeting of other school leaders.Amritha leads a meeting of other school leaders.