Human Help Network Foundation awarded 3rd Runner-Up for Thailand at NGO Awards 2013


Making the third consecutive year in Thailand, 118 organizations applied for the Thailand NGO awards 2013. All entries received were put trough a selection process and 12 organizations were selected for the finals. These finalists were presented to a national jury panel that selects NGOs of the year in the small- medium- and large-categories.

Among the finalists for the large category, we, Human Help Network Foundation were nominated and earned 3rd runner-up on the 4th of November in Bangkok.

Human Help Network was officially established in August 2008. The two major projects under the foundation are the Child Protection and Development Center and the Drop-in Center.  We aim and have managed to save hundreds of vulnerable children from exploitation, sexual and physical abuse, poverty, drugs and crime.  We also help a lot of very poor, less fortunate Thai people to get their citizenship and identity so they can access government benefits.  We are proud to say that CPDC is the first and the only Child Protection Home in Chonburi and the Eastern Seaboard that is administered by a private NGO.

The Human Help Network Foundation accepts their award for earning 3rd Runner-Up for Thailand at the 2013 NGO Awards.The Human Help Network Foundation accepts their award for earning 3rd Runner-Up for Thailand at the 2013 NGO Awards.

All the children who stay in our Center are integrated into family life and we ensure they all go to school and have access to vocational training.  We firmly believe education is the key to help these children escape from poverty, drug abuse and crime.  We also believe that each child should be entitled to experience their childhood in a loving family environment.

We fight against human trafficking, pedophiles and those individuals who abuse children.  We are fortunate to have excellent working relationships with all major embassies that support us in tracing those who abuse children and ensure that these people are dealt with to the full letter of the law.

In spite of being the newest organization among the 12 finalists, our grateful thanks to the Rockefeller Foundation, the Resource Alliance and the KENAN Institute Asia for considering and honoring us with this nomination.  The Thailand NGO Awards have created an opportunity for people to learn of our efforts in the field of children protection and for this we are extremely grateful.