Lighthouse Club ‘Havana’ a great time


The Havana Bar at the Holiday Inn was the venue for this month’s Lighthouse Club Networking event on Friday the 3rd of June.

There is no doubt now that the Lighthouse Club in Pattaya has become much more than a networking event; it feels more like a party with some old friends and a few new faces to keep things interesting.

Birthday boy Stuart Maxwell Foulkes presents some presents as part of his sponsorship of the evening.Birthday boy Stuart Maxwell Foulkes presents some presents as part of his sponsorship of the evening.

Indeed this month’s ‘party’ was in fact just that, as the sponsor for the evening wasn’t a real estate company or a developer but simply an individual – Stuart Maxwell Foulkes – who happened to be celebrating his birthday.  Since the LHC has become so important to him, he decided to celebrate his birthday is style by dipping deep into his pockets and laying out for the entire evening.

The Havana Bar is in some ways the perfect venue to host an event of this size, as with over 300 in attendance the bar and the outside terrace were able to accommodate things easily.  There was plenty of staff on hand to ensure that your glass was never empty.

The set up in the bar also made is very easy to mingle and although there were lots of familiar faces, I soon found that my own stack of business cards had all been handed out within the first hour.

As ever the proceeds from the event will go to the Melissa Cosgrove Children’s foundation, helping kids in Pattaya and beyond.

Over 100,000 baht was raised on the evening and at only 300 baht for ladies and 600 baht for guys – it is certainly a cheap way to kick-start your weekend.

Lighthouse Club Networking events are held to raise money for the Melissa Cosgrove Children’s foundation, helping kids in Pattaya and beyond.Lighthouse Club Networking events are held to raise money for the Melissa Cosgrove Children’s foundation, helping kids in Pattaya and beyond.

At many of these networking events the free drink stops at the allocated time and prices go whizzing up, the result being that the event dissipates very quickly. This wasn’t the case at the Havana Bar, as although the free beer and wine stopped at 8:30, the bar had some great drink promos with wine by the glass at 100 baht and draught beer for only 50 baht.

So another great evening and remember you don’t have to be a member or even be in business, the Lighthouse Club Pattaya is a wonderful way to meet new people in a convivial atmosphere. The next one will be held on the 1st of July, details of the venue and start times will soon be on their website or keep up to date with them on