Little Shop of Horrors to be staged at Garden International School


A carnivorous, blues-singing plant intent on ruling the world sounds like the plot of an old science fiction movie, but it’s really the star of the smash Broadway musical Little Shop of Horrors being presented November 24th and 25th by the Garden International School Rayong Drama department.

Down-and-out, skid row floral assistant Seymour becomes an overnight sensation when he discovers an exotic plant with a mysterious craving for fresh blood! Seymour, infatuated with his co-worker Audrey (who insists upon dating a sadistic dentist) allows his craving for fame and fortune to seduce him into playing nursemaid to the man-eating plant. Naming the plant after his secret love, soon “Audrey II” grows into an ill-tempered, R&B-singing carnivore who offers him his heart’s desires.

Garden International School Rayong Drama department is staging the smash Broadway musical Little Shop of Horrors. Garden International School Rayong Drama department is staging the smash Broadway musical Little Shop of Horrors.

Directed by Mr. Ken Lund, secondary drama teacher, the production features a main cast consisting of Grace Kijjaroenvisal, Yeon Tae Kwan, Pratiman Shahi, James Marshall, Christina Traister, Ellen Neel and Hanna Inthararat.

We are very proud to be sponsored by several prominent local businesses.  At the gold level, our sponsors are R.M.C. Industrial Co. Ltd., Old Phala Beach House, Pongchomporn Spare Parts, Ltd., and Extreme Vision Engineering Co. Ltd.  Sponsorship opportunities are still available at three different levels of commitment and benefits.  If you are interested in sponsoring our production, please contact Khun Bonnie at 038 880 3603 or email dramadpt@

Little Shop of Horrors will be shown in the secondary hall in the main building of Garden International School. The performance begins at 7:00 p.m., and tickets are 100 baht for adults and 40 baht for students.