Navy kids get playground equipment

Rear Adm. Ekaraj Poromlampak accepts the donation of five sets of playground gear from Panas Assembly Co. representative Somsak Nonpho.
Rear Adm. Ekaraj Poromlampak accepts the donation of five sets of playground gear from Panas Assembly Co. representative Somsak Nonpho.

Children of navy families will be swinging and sliding thanks to a donation of playground equipment from Panas Assembly Co.

Rear Adm. Ekaraj Porom­lampak, commander of the Air and Coastal Defense Command, accepted the donation of five sets of playground gear from company representative Somsak Nonpho Aug. 8.

Each set, comprised of five pieces, will be installed at the Sea Turtle Conservation Center, Health Garden, Had Tien Beach, the Rimchonwee Club and the Fanapawee Club.

Children of navy families will be swinging and sliding thanks to a donation of playground equipment.
Children of navy families will be swinging and sliding thanks to a donation of playground equipment.