Nigel helps Ban Pak Rak Puen


Occasionally, something out of the ordinary happens which brings a big smile to your face.

In December, Pattaya Sports Club donated supplies to Ban Pak Rak Puen, an event that was widely reported in the Pattaya newspapers. I was having lunch with some friends when I had a call from ‘Nigel’?  I didn’t know him but he had seen the articles in the newspapers and was so impressed that he made the decision to help the home by donating 10,000 baht for whatever was needed.

Not being one to miss an opportunity to help those in need, the funds were quickly spent on items that would make life a little more comfortable for the residents: soap, shampoo, skin cream, fans; everyday items that most of us take for granted.

We were also in a position to provide some clothing which has been kindly donated by members of PSC for distribution to the underprivileged. If you have clothes that you are not using, don’t throw them away, drop them into the PSC office and we will take care of the rest.

Nigel Oakes comes from Manchester and has been visiting Pattaya for 12 years. Like many of us, after 6 years realised that everything that he needed was right here in Pattaya and decided to stay. The funds for the above were obtained from his friends and family back in UK who gave generously for Nigel to distribute as he saw fit.