Nongprue dancers raise money for wheelchairs, scholarships

Nongprue residents put on a song and dance show to raise money for senior citizens and schoolkids.
Nongprue residents put on a song and dance show to raise money for senior citizens and schoolkids.

Nongprue residents put on a song and dance show to raise money for senior citizens and schoolkids.

Mayor Mai Chaiyanit opened the Jan. 20 “retro” dance fundraiser by the Song Lovers Merit Group at Boonsamphan Temple.

The festive event saw members dressed in colorful clothing doing traditional dances and selling flower garlands, turns on the dance floor and soundtrack CDs to raise funds for wheelchairs, bedridden patients and scholarships for poor students.

Even those who didn’t dance joined in, singing old Thai folks songs together.

Seniors needing wheelchairs can contact at organizer Kawinchai Wongpetch at 095-494-9259.