Nongprue students learn safe-driving skills


Nongprue continued its efforts to educate young drivers on the rules of the road, hosting another driving clinic at Wat Boon­sampan School.

Mayor Mai Chaiyanit opened the June 28 class aimed at teaching traffic regulations, restrictions, helmet use and how to handle motorbikes.

Nongprue continued its efforts to educate young drivers on the rules of the road, hosting another driving clinic at Wat Boonsampan School.
Nongprue continued its efforts to educate young drivers on the rules of the road, hosting another driving clinic at Wat Boonsampan School.

The project was held to ensure safety regulations are followed and to educate children about traffic policies and how to ride safely.

There are many accidents reported on a daily basis and often people don’t wear helmets, drive on the wrong side of the road, lack experience with motorbikes and drive drunk.

Students are given an up close look at how to ride a motorcycle safely.
Students are given an up close look at how to ride a motorcycle safely.

The sub-district has held a number of clinics to educate youths, hoping lessons learned early will stick through life.

Supat Jaruruang, head of Mityon Group’s safe-riding program, guided students on what needs to be worn and done before they ride off with the bikes. They were also shown traffic signs, and told when to slow down and use turn signals.

Cones were also set as obstacles to improve the youngsters’ control skills on motorbikes.

A member of staff demonstrates how to drive through cone obstacles.
A member of staff demonstrates how to drive through cone obstacles.