Once again St Andrews achieves outstanding IB Diploma results


Rightly or wrongly, schools are often judged by their exam results which are one indicator as to the quality of a school. St Andrews is a non-selective International School; however, we continually achieve outstanding IB Diploma results.

When comparing IB results to international standards, there are usually three main criteria. The first is your average Diploma Score. This year the international average is 29.1 whereas St Andrews’ student average was 31.21, more than 2 points above. The second criterion is the percentage of students who pass the IB diploma.

St Andrews graduating IB class of 2014.St Andrews graduating IB class of 2014.

The international average for this is 79% whereas St Andrews’ students achieved a 93% pass rate and since they started graduating students 5 years ago the overall average is 94%. The third area of comparison is the average score achieved by students in each subject. St Andrews’ students achieved an average score of 5.1 compared to 4.9 internationally. St Andrews therefore prides itself on being consistently above international standards each and every year.

Minhyuk Lee achieved the very impressive IB Diploma score of 41 points.Minhyuk Lee achieved the very impressive IB Diploma score of 41 points.

Secondary Head Mr. Kevin McGee enthused that, “We are once again thrilled with our students IB Diploma results. We are not only proud of their final results but of the improvement that each and every student made over the two years of studying the IB Diploma. The dedication of our students and staff is second to none. The fact that we achieve results like this year in and year out is a testament to the quality education that students receive in all year groups at St Andrews.”

While all of the St Andrews students achieved great results, of particular note was the overall achievement of Minhyuk Lee who scored 41 points. This was a great effort for a student who started his schooling at St Andrews 5 years ago with very little English.

St Andrews students graduating IB students are now moving to universities in Australia, Canada, America, the UK, Korea, Holland and Thailand to complete their tertiary education. They have big dreams and bright futures so we wish them luck and will always remember them fondly as a part of the St. Andrews family.