Pattaya artists teach school drawing class

The Pattaya Independent Artists group taught Pattaya School No. 7 students the basics of drawing to spur the growth of young artists.
The Pattaya Independent Artists group taught Pattaya School No. 7 students the basics of drawing to spur the growth of young artists.

The Pattaya Independent Artists group taught Pattaya School No. 7 students the basics of drawing to spur the growth of young artists.

Group member Chat Jayawong led the Aug. 16 class for about 50 students.

The class was organized with the help of the Sanctuary of Truth, which has an ongoing program to enhance child learning and brain development via the arts.

Chat encouraged the kids to see the beauty of nature and to pass it on via their artwork. He said the course also helps budding artists organize their thoughts step-by-step and improve concentration.

Moreover, the training exercised skills for use of hands and fingers, for instance, writing and drawing resulting in developing the brain. It reinforced children’s confidence to be assertive in thinking and drawing.