Pattaya Rotarians bring warmth and education to kids in India

Maneeya Engelking distributes sweaters to children in the village.
Maneeya Engelking distributes sweaters to children in the village.

President Margret Deter and President Elect Maneeya Engelking of the Rotary E-Club Dolphin Pattaya visited Bodhgaya in India’s Bihar state last January when the daytime temperatures can hit as low as 8 degrees Celsius.

Most of the population in that area is very poor, with many going barefooted in the cold and elderly women are seen sitting wrapped in shawls on the roadside.

Children line up to receive their sweaters and books from the PE Maneeya.
Children line up to receive their sweaters and books from the PE Maneeya.

The two Rotarians handed out 340 locally made sweaters at the two schools which were purchased for about 300 baht each.

In addition, Margret and Maneeya gave each student 10 rupees, equivalent to six baht, which can keep them going for one full day in those parts.

Rotarian Engelking travels regularly to Bodhgaya and is very concerned about the welfare of the people there. She donated an additional 100,000 baht while Deter chipped in another 20,000 baht to help the poor.

Just outside Bodhgaya is a small community whose residents are quite poor. There are many children ranging from 6-14 years old who do not get an education. Kind-hearted volunteer teachers look after at least 12 of these abandoned children. Engelking arranged to buy 400 school books in English and Hindi that were distributed to the children.  They also distributed food and drinks to about 200 poor people in the area.

Maneeya joins the kids in their tiny classroom.
Maneeya joins the kids in their tiny classroom.
Maneeya and her friends serve rice and curries to the poor people in the village.
Maneeya and her friends serve rice and curries to the poor people in the village.
Maneeya and Dr. Margret pose with the happy children wearing their new red sweaters.
Maneeya and Dr. Margret pose with the happy children wearing their new red sweaters.
The children are thankful for the love and care of visiting Rotarians from Pattaya.
The children are thankful for the love and care of visiting Rotarians from Pattaya.